Caratoots puppiesP u p p y   h a n d b o o k

Kennel Caratoots has been breeding and selling papillons for more than 20 years. During these years the puppy buyers have asked questions about almost everything you can imagine. What kind of food and treats can we give our puppy? When will the puppy change its teeth? What vaccinations are needed? What do we do in case of thunder? Where should the puppy sleep?

As a service to the families who buy puppies from our kennel, we have gathered some of these questions and answers and created a puppy handbook. This reference book is not to be seen as a scientific encyclopedia, but as a help for the inexperienced puppy buyers in their everyday life with their new family member.

Click on booklet to download puppy handbook in Swedish (PDF-format):Puppy Handbook in SwedishIn Swedish

(the puppy handbook is only available in Swedish)